Introducing a powerful non-invasive anti-aging treatment
LED Red Light Therapy

As an esthetician, I have access to great skin care products but I was having a hard time getting my frown lines to budge. After my series of red light treatments, they have finally softened. My pores look diminished and the overall texture and tone are tighter, lighter, and smoother, even after a summer of fun in the sun. I look forward to my regular maintenance schedule under the relaxing lights! - K.C.


I find the LED Red Light Therapy sessions very comfortable and relaxing! I’ve noticed my forehead lines and under eye puffiness have decreased! The skin on my face has a more youthful glow too! I would highly recommend this service!! - J.V.


To be honest, I was a little skeptical – especially being that I am a redhead, 66 years old and have light, thin & crepey skin. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised! The therapy was extremely relaxing & a great stress reliever. The best part was after the first couple of treatments I could notice a difference and as I continued going to the treatments my skin looks great – the lines between my eyebrows almost completely disappeared and the skin on my face, under eyes and neck looked so much more refined. I have always been plagued by laugh lines and crows feet and now I can honestly say that I feel more confident with how I look. The Red Light therapy most definitely has made a big difference to me and I would definitely recommend it to anyone that wants to improve their appearance and confidence. - E.H.


I enjoyed the experience of red light therapy, both for the visible effects on my skin, and the relaxation. I found my skin to be clearer and more even and a definite reduction in fine lines. Also, by scheduling appointments to receive the treatment, it forced me to take some much needed “me time” in an incredibly relaxing environment. - K.W.

I was overall very pleased with my results. I found that my crows feet and frown lines around my mouth had lessened. My acne scarring had lightened and my forehead lines had softened. It was a pleasant, relaxing process and I would recommend it to others looking to refresh their look a bit. - R.I.

I have done about 9 red light therapy sessions for my skin. I am amazed at the results! I look younger and my face simply glows! My fine lines and wrinkles have diminished and age spots have lightened. I would highly recommend this treatment! It’s also very relaxing. - E.F.


    What is LED Red Light Therapy?

    LED RLT is a brilliant, non-invasive treatment for skin rejuvenation. NASA backed science, red light emitted by nearly 2000 red LEDs penetrates 5-10 mm into your skin to release a powerhouse of cellular energy, ATP. This encourages your cells to produce more collagen and elastin, increasing circulation, decreasing inflammation, so your skin can heal from the inside out.

    Benefits of LED Red Light Therapy


    • increases circulation and creates new capillaries, causing an immediate healthy glow 
    • smooths overall skin texture and tone
    • reduces wrinkles, including crow’s feet, under eye wrinkles, 11s, forehead wrinkles, smoker’s lips & laugh lines
    • promotes the healing of blemishes, like acne and rosacea
    • repairs sun damage and aids in the recovery of sunburn
    • anti-inflammatory, reducing redness, flushing, and broken capillaries
    • fades acne scars and stretch marks
    • aids the skin in maintaining moisture

    Managing Expectations

    After your first LED session, either as a stand-alone service or as an add-on to your facial, you will have a noticeable glow to your skin. It’s an excellent prep for an event. When done as a series, the damage that you have slowly acquired will gradually heal. For maximum results, 8-12 sessions should be scheduled, attended twice weekly. Results will be clearly visible even without using a proper home care regimen, however getting on the right system will give better results faster and are necessary for maintenance.



    • 20-30 minute add-on to any facial or treatment – $20-$30
    • Solo 30-minute session (includes quick cleanse, serums, moisturizer) – $50
    • Series of 8 – 30 minute LED sessions (includes quick cleanse, serums, moisturizer) – $360
    • Ultimate Zen Facelift Anti-Aging Series – 10 visits will include 30 minutes of LED at each session, plus 3 60 minute Zen Facelift Facials (Stimulating and lifting set of award-winning specific isometric movements with various holistic techniques such as Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Cupping, Massage, and Cryo-globes along with powerful exfoliants, serums and masks resulting in tighter, lifted skin) at the beginning, middle, and end of the series. –$610

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